About Us
- We are a grassroots organization of volunteers who are not going to benefit through our business or professional ties from the upzoning of Congress Park.
- We believe that balanced and responsible growth happens only with community input.
- We are concerned that proposed upzoning will displace residents and small businesses resulting in a loss of affordable housing units and small local businesses, some of which are Black, Brown, women, and LGBTQIA-owned in East Central and East Denver.
- We believe that any neighborhood plan must address the needs of our most vulnerable populations, including our elders, unhoused neighbors, service workers, working families, and People of Color.
- We are dedicated to providing information so that residents of Congress Park can learn about the details of the East Central Area Plan, a plan that will
- We are comprised of housed and unhoused neighbors, renters and homeowners, who recognized the need to engage the public, including those most at risk of displacement, of the proposed upzoning.
- We look forward to a respectful and thoughtful space online.
- We are not affiliated with any registered neighborhood organization or political organization or parties.
- We will not accept donations from developers or developer-related interests.